Nos solutions


enjeux1What’s at stake

Mobility within your company, reorganization, choosing between two candidates, moving up to a managerial position, taking on new managerial responsibilities: you need to assess the skills and strengths of an employee or candidate for a specific profession and estimate the chances of success and the potential for career advancement.

You would like to benefit from an outside and objective perspective from an assessment professional to reinforce your choice.

You would like to implement an ambitious internal mobility program by providing certain staff members whose positions are at risk with the chance to make a move within the company, while at the same time emboldening your decisions.

approcheOur solutions

We organize our evaluation by taking a close look and analysis of your situation, your company culture, and the career path of the candidate in order to build a “customized” framework and set of tools that will drive our process.

Our objective is to provide a realistic and qualified vision of the candidate as a staff member in your future organization, to highlight the strengths and risks, as well as to propose a skills development plan that will provide support in their assumption of duties.

We understand the importance of informing and providing feedback to you and the candidate on a regular basis all throughout the process.

To bolster your choice when recruiting, to understand the specifics of a candidate’s work style and their motivations, to warn you about the potential risks by conducting a multifaceted analysis based on an in-depth individual interview and the results from the personality and/or aptitude tests.

For a detailed, factual, and full professional profile evaluation of a staff member, to obtain multiple perspectives and situational analyses, to offer a customized development plan. This method mixes an evaluation of a staff member by their immediate professional environment with their own self evaluation. This tool serves to learn and better understand more about oneself, and to develop on a personal and professional level.

To make committing decisions for the company, for a critical position, in a situation that requires new skills and abilities. This method is based on an interview, personality and/or aptitude tests, and role playing exercises for your staff member to acquire skills and work style that transfer to the future professional situation.

To provide support to decision makers in their internal reorganization choices by offering a fact-based analysis of the potential ability for each staff member to adapt to the new demands of their profession, within a limited time period and in a brief and respectful format for each person. This method, designed and adapted to your needs, combines an interview, tests, as well as group workshops that involve role playing and conflict resolution simulations.

atoutOur strengths

The consultants in charge of these projects, and the observers during role-playing exercises, are all senior consultants with an expertise in interviewing and recruiting, in understanding the intricate mechanisms that drive human behavior, and in analyzing the tests. They bring to the project their knowledge of the business and its professions, the ability to provide an outside perspective, and their wisdom and experience.

The depth and reliability of our evaluation come from both our ability to highlight the strengths and limits of a candidate in a new context, to “put them on paper” in order to share them with you, and to build a development plan for your staff member.

We have the courage to stand by our position, even if it sometimes goes against the tide, and we are able to clearly explain our opinion to both decision makers and the person involved.

Our robust methodology is based on the following steps: understanding your needs, choosing and/or building the right tools to employ, implementation, and then analyzing and finalizing the results.

The project is “custom built”: the skills analysis framework and the case study used for role playing are created by our team in a specific and personalized manner to match your situation.

We provide support throughout every step of the communications process (up and downstream, a written report, follow up interviews with you and the staff member) and in setting up a development plan for the position. Our role is to facilitate a dialog when addressing sensitive questions. The staff member subsequently views our intervention as an opportunity offered by the company for them to learn more about themselves and to grow, whatever the final decision.